p | 402.770.9875 e | hello@mavinhealth.com
MAVIN Consulting was founded in 2008 by Michelle Bowes when she co-directed a 5 million dollar grant project in the State of Nebraska called EHRNebraska. The goal of the grant, issued by The Physician' Foundation and conducted in partnership with the Nebraska Medical Association (NMA), was to facilitate the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) by Nebraska clinicians and to introduce the EHR Incentive Programs.
On the heels of that project, Michelle quickly realized there was a vital need in the local medical and national rural communities for an experienced, knowledgeable, professional and down to earth healthcare information technology (HIT) and provider credentialing resource. Today, MAVIN works with all clinician types, as well as hospitals, clinics and labs, State Offices of Rural Health and consortia, and RCM/billing companies across the United States.
Over the years, MAVIN Consulting has evolved to embrace an extensive web of experts in diverse areas. We contract with savvy professionals who reflect our elevated morals and work ethic. If this sounds like you, please contact us to join forces!
Michelle has more than 20 years of hands on work experience in hospitals, clinics, imaging centers, medical consulting firms and RCM/billing companies, on the clinical, administrative and regulatory spectrums, in addition to HIT development and HIT certification (CEHRT) advisement.
She’s a trusted colleague of the Colorado State Office of Rural Health, anchoring one of the nation's most successful Regional Extension Center (REC) programs as a lead HIT Consultant from 2010-2015. Today, she continues to provide hospitals and clinics across the state with progressive, front-line HIT and regulatory advisement.
EHR/HIT Vendors have recruited Michelle to collaborate on EHR development and CEHRT testing as a direct result of her extensive knowledge of CMS Regulatory and Quality Requirements, as well as client-supported front-end quality program reporting and insight into PECOs/I&A/HARP crosswalks.